Our founding team members and advisors came together to address their lived experience with mental health either from their personal journeys or those of family members. Each of us has experienced the best and the worst of the mental healthcare sector. Our user-centered design vantage point, realized by an award-winning mobile game developer, is informed directly by youth contributors. Together we have applied evidence-informed research on emotional resiliency with input from psychologists, psychiatrists, and veteran social workers to the creation of K’Bro, a mobile app designed as both a real-time assessment tool and a series of interventions to promote healthy emotional self-care and prevent the onset of more serious mental health issues. The data collection, processed through proprietary AI algorithms, developed by industry-leading AI/ML global experts, provides a snapshot of an individual’s emotional well-being as well as an overview and trend data for the population being served by schools, providers, and payers to intervene when youth need a higher level of care. Our success has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association receiving their Impact Award.

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